
Your Site Needs A Pollution Prevention Plan

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One of the biggest problems construction sites face is handling cleanup in a manner that is quick and effective while also adhering to regulations. Unfortunately, sometimes cleaning up concrete mixers, chutes, wheelbarrows, or even hand tools can contribute to urban runoff pollution without a proper washout system in place. That’s because contaminants in concrete can seep into the local waterways and have a direct impact on habitat living in that environment or even local drinking supplies.

Because of this, the EPA requires construction companies to set up a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to help you prevent stormwater pollution. In order to make sure that companies will be compliant with requirements stated in the Clean Water Act, construction companies must plan out and describe the methodology in which they will work while preventing stormwater contamination, control sedimentation/erosion, and comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act.

The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Actually Matters

The SWPPP itself requires construction sites to produce a written document that identifies potential sources that can contribute to stormwater pollution and describes the measures that your site will take to prevent these problems. Failure to implement your SWPPP could not only result in significant fines from EPA but also state or local environmental agencies. Not to mention the astronomical fees if your washout process isn’t regulation-compliant.

Concrete Washout Systems helps reduce costs by eliminating the wastewater and washout material from the job site, reducing exposure to very costly EPA penalties and associated civil fines that can be more than $3,000 a day per violation.

Our washout containers meet EPA requirements for pollution containment. Through the recycling of the residual concrete waste, we protect not only the environment but also your bottom line. Since the inception of our company we’ve served 1,967 different job sites throughout the states of New Jersey and Delaware, as well as Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Finish the Job Faster

Obviously, your site needs a concrete washout containment system in order to stay in operation. Need to clean up concrete from a high volume jobsite? Improvised washout pits aren’t the solution. They’re an even bigger hassle and will not be able to fully handle your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans.

Concrete Washout System containers are the quick, easy solution that has been leading the industry for years. Our containers can handle clean up for multiple trucks at the same time no matter the scale of the job site.

Our same day service allows you to get this washout system in place immediately so that you can focus on more important areas without fear of potential fines. We solved the major compliance issue in a way that is best for your site and the environment, all at reduced costs to you.

If you’ve never used our services, please take advantage of our offer for first time customers by reaching out to us here.